Explore our wide range of toughened glasses
and uPVC products

Toughened Glass

Our toughened glasses are manufactured using advanced technology and adhere to the highest industry standards. They offer enhanced strength and safety, making them ideal for applications where safety is paramount.

Insulated Glass (DGU)

DGU glasses provide superior insulation and sound reduction capabilities. These energy-efficient glasses help maintain a comfortable indoor environment while reducing energy consumption.

Laminated Glass

Laminated glasses offer enhanced safety and security by sandwiching a layer of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) between two glass layers. They provide protection against breakage, UV rays, and noise, making them suitable for applications where safety and sound insulation are crucial.

Heat Strengthened Glass

Heat-strengthened glasses are processed using controlled heating and cooling techniques, resulting in increased strength and resistance to thermal stress. These glasses are commonly used in applications where improved mechanical strength and resistance to temperature changes are required.

UPVC Door and Windows

DGU glasses provide superior insulation and sound reduction capabilities. These energy-efficient glasses help maintain a comfortable indoor environment while reducing energy consumption.

Designer glasses

Elevate Your Space with Stunning Decorative Glass Designs. Choose from an exquisite range of patterns, textures, and finishes to add elegance and sophistication to any project. Our decorative glasses blend beauty and functionality, transforming spaces into works of art.

Our Used Cases

Architectural Application

Toughened glass is commonly used in architectural applications such as facades, curtain walls, balustrades, and glass partitions. Its strength and safety properties make it ideal for creating visually striking and secure spaces.

Interior Design

Toughened glass is often employed in interior design elements such as glass doors, shelves, tabletops, and staircases, adding a modern and sleek aesthetic to residential and commercial spaces.

Energy-Efficient Buildings

DGU glasses are highly effective in providing thermal insulation, making them ideal for energy-efficient buildings. They reduce heat transfer, minimize energy loss, and enhance the overall energy efficiency of a structure.

Noise Reduction

DGU glasses are excellent at reducing noise transmission, making them suitable for spaces located near busy roads, airports, or other noisy environments. They create a more peaceful and comfortable interior environment.

Safety and Security

Laminated glass is widely used in areas where safety and security are paramount, such as banks, jewelry stores, and high-security facilities. It offers protection against break-ins, as the glass holds together even when shattered.

UV Protection

Laminated glass offers enhanced protection against harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, making it suitable for applications where preserving interior furnishings, artwork, or displays from fading is essential, such as museums, galleries, and retail spaces.

Sharing Expertise. Building

Contact us today to explore our comprehensive range of architectural toughened glass and UPVC solutions. We look forward to transforming your vision into reality.